Professionals, Providers & Patients
It's a transformative time for the healthcare industry, allowing healthcare to boost performance and productivity, while at the same time delivering new patient-centric services.
After losing both legs below the knees to bacterial meningitis, Don Cummings earned a degree in prosthetics and orthotics and now works with pediatric patients who have lost limbs.
After losing his hand, wrist and partial forearm in an accident, Dr. Robert Doty struggled with the decision to undergo multiple surgeries to reestablish function of his limb or to amputate.
In this annual vaccine-themed issue, we report trends and changes in vaccination among select populations, as well as a new promising vaccine technology.
After being diagnosed with male breast cancer, cancer scientist Oliver Bogler, PhD, now advocates for more research to better understand the disease in men and how to treat it.
When Michael Singer was diagnosed with breast cancer at 50 years old, he was embarrassed. But, he soon learned his voice could make a difference for the 1 percent of men affected by this disease.
Dr. Todd Levine is a neurologist who specializes in immune-mediated neuropathies that are often treated with immune globulin
Dominick Spatafora, who suffers from lower motor neuron syndrome, founded the Neuropathy Action Foundation to educate patients and providers about neuropathy and empower them to become their own advocates.