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Myths & Facts Articles
Educating physicians about this not-so-rare disease can curtail lifelong consequences that can occur if not diagnosed and treated early.
With almost a quarter of women receiving inadequate prenatal care in the U.S., more needs to be done to inform women about the myths surrounding this essential healthcare service.
Known as the silent killer, hypertension often goes undetected in individuals until a serious event occurs. However, with a better understanding of the condition and regular monitoring, it can be managed with treatment.
Sleep disorders are responsible for a host of physical and mental health conditions, making it essential to dispel the myths surrounding them and to promote education and awareness about the importance of sleep health.
Dispelling the misconceptions about donating plasma could help to shore up the worldwide shortage of this lifesaving blood component used to treat rare and chronic diseases.
OCD is no joke, and the rash of hurtful memes about the condition minimize the amount of suffering that people with OCD live through on a daily basis. But perhaps by understanding OCD, how it affects those who suffer from it and how it is treated, the ignorant, albeit mostly innocent, statements such as “I’m so OCD!” will cease.
Understanding the realities surrounding stress and its impacts on the body and mind can help individuals better manage this growing national health crisis.
While the COVID-19 pandemic is "officially over," hospitalizations and deaths continue, many of which are due to the myths continuing to circulate about this deadly virus.
The best way to help individuals suffering from depression is to spread awareness about the misconceptions surrounding this mood disorder.
While the incidence of melanoma has stabilized over the past five years, the number of people diagnosed is still alarming.
With the number of older adults in the U.S. predicted to double in the coming decades, how these individuals perceive the effects of aging may directly relate to how long and healthfully they live.
Despite proof of lifesaving benefits of vaccines, parental hesitancy to immunizing their children is often fueled by the plethora of myths surrounding vaccine safety.