Professionals, Providers & Patients
Healthcare delivery continues to evolve as demand for care quality grows, but the challenges of caring for loved ones who live long distances away are not as formidable due to an expanding number of tools, services and resources.
As a menopause educator and founder of Miss Menopause UK, this patient's journey inspired her to help others navigate the ups and downs of menopause.
The founder of Evolved Science, Dr. Schwartz is a pioneer in the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for preventing illness and recognizing its direct link to overall wellness and interconnection with diet, sleep and stress management.
The healthcare industry continues to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of patients and improve their care — and it's increasingly using AI to do it.
It’s alarming that despite vaccines’ proven success, some 40,000 to 50,000 adults die from vaccine-preventable diseases each year. Even diseases that were once-eradicated are making a comeback.
Now that safe and effective RSV vaccines are finally available, more evidence of their direct health benefits in older Americans will be forthcoming. It is likely as well that FDA will eventually expand the marketing approvals of these vaccines to include adults under age 60 with chronic conditions demonstrated to importantly increase the risk of RSV-associated LRTD and hospitalization.
Mark Bloch, MD, has been working in the field of HIV medicine since 1983, and he is now the director of clinical research at Holdsworth House in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Bloch is actively involved in research surrounding HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.
As a woman and activist living with HIV/AIDS, Maria Mejia’s mission is to give hope to the hopeless and send the message that she is far more than just a condition.
Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, doubts about vaccine safety and efficacy have not only persisted, but escalated. Counteracting this wave of mistrust will require targeted tactics and networked, community involvement.
Andrea Kulberg, PhD, CEDS, licensed psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist, shares insight into diagnosing and treating anxiety.
This patient's story shows how extreme introversion and anxiety often go hand-in-hand.
Patient safety is at the heart of healthcare, so it’s imperative to put in place systems and regulations to reduce patient harm.