Industry News
Research, Science & Manufacturer Updates
Sanofi and Merck’s Vaxelis has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
A previously unknown autoimmune muscle disease involving sudden onset of debilitating muscle pain and weakness has been identified by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo.
A new study by researchers at Columbia University has found handing a pamphlet about influenza (flu) to parents in pediatricians’ waiting rooms can have a significant impact on increasing the uptake of the flu vaccine.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released an additional $487 million to supplement first-year funding through its State Opioid Response grant program.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued draft guidance to overcome obstacles to increasing enrollment diversity in clinical trials.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation is introducing new pay models that will shift primary care from fee-for-service payments to a global fee model under which clinicians and hospitals could assume varying amounts of risk.
A team of Dutch investigators enrolled 18 multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) patients on intravenous immune globulin(IVIG) treatment in a prospective open-label study to evaluate the comparative safety of treatment with 10% human immune globulin whose subcutaneous administration is facilitated with recombinant human hyaluronidase (fSCIG) (HyQvia).
Canadian investigators at Ottawa Hospital have reported a very high success rate with a nurse-led individualized program to facilitate a smooth transition in patients with neurological disorders from chronic intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) to subcutaneous immune globulin (SCIG) treatment.
CMS has launched the Artificial Intelligence Health Outcomes Challenge, a three-stage competition to accelerate artificial intelligence solutions that will potentially be used by CMS’s Innovation Center.
The FDA is making efforts as part of its Youth Tobacco Prevention Plan to ensure no tobacco products are marketed to, sold to or used by kids.
CMS has finalized its rule to give Medicare Advantage plans a 2.53 percent pay raise in 2020, up from its original plan to raise pay 1.59 percent.
CMS announced the Part D Payment Modernization Model to share in savings generated by reducing costs in the program's catastrophic phase.