Industry Insight
Information, Observation & Analysis
Embracing a preventive healthcare model can help to reduce spending and improve patient outcomes, but it will require a seismic shift in mindset by patients, providers and payers.
How health systems and providers are adapting to new dynamics and demands in primary care.
A great deal of stigma surrounds this disorder due to a misunderstanding of what it is and how effectively it can be treated and managed.
Responding to the growing number of people affected by food allergy anaphylaxis, researchers are
seeking ways to reduce the risk and severity of this condition.
The adoption of ASPs has resulted in a reduction of antimicrobial expenditures, but stopping the tide of multidrug-resistant organisms depends on leadership’s commitment to track data down to the patient level.
The glut of soon-to-expire products within the pharmaceutical supply chain is a costly problem impacting multiple stakeholders, but smart technology and innovative inventory management systems offer cost-saving solutions.
Reimbursement for expensive immune globulin (IG) therapies can be challenging and frustrating for providers. Here's a guide to help ensure they are reimbursed for the cost of these medications.
Healthcare costs continue to rise and payment models subsequently evolve, payers nevertheless largely decide which expensive high-investment drugs will be reimbursed and under what circumstances.
Demand for IG products has doubled, going from 3 million grams just a decade ago to 7 million grams year-over-year today. What is to account for this increase?
One baby born every hour dependent on opiate drugs; treatment is difficult, and health impacts can be lifelong.
As baby boomers age, rates of cancer diagnosis and survival increase, causing an increasing need for supportive oncology care.
Knowing the facts about shingles can help you to better protect yourself against it — and how to treat it if you get it.