Early Albumin Administration May Reduce Mortality in Septic Shock and ARDS: Retrospective MIMIC III Database Study

A study has found that early albumin administration in septic shock patients with ARDS was independently associated with a reduction in 28-day mortality.
Immunotherapy May Treat ALS, Says Study

A study led by scientists at Oregon Health & Science University has found that a type of monoclonal antibody already tested in certain forms of cancer may be a promising treatment in stopping the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Psychedelic Medicines: The Future?

Renewed interest and research in psychedelic compounds is giving formerly illicit drugs a 21st century image makeover. Are they really breakthrough solutions for treatment-resistant conditions such as depression and PTSD? At this point, the data looks promising.
Just Arrived: A Trio of Active and Passive Vaccines Against RSV

For decades, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has defied the best efforts of vaccine makers to bring it to heel, until now.
Study Finds Immunotherapy Causes Chronic Side Effects

A recent study has found chronic immune-related side effects are common in patients with skin cancer who are treated with postsurgical Opdivo (nivolumab) or Keytruda (pembrolizumab), although for some individuals, these toxicities resolve by the 18-month mark.
IVIG May Improve Neurological Symptoms in MIS-C

Recent case series findings, as well as previous studies, show that children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) who present with signs of active neurological symptoms may show improvement with intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) and corticosteroids.
Digital Therapeutics: The Next Frontier

This growing field of intervention-based therapeutics promises to enhance patient health and make healthcare more proactive.
Albumin Administration Linked to Lower Risk of Hyponatremia in Hospitalized Cirrhosis Patients: Single-Center Study

Short-term human albumin infusion significantly reduced the incidence of hyponatremia and increased the rate of improvement of hyponatremia in hospitalization hepatic cirrhosis patients.
High-Dose IVIG Reduces Mortality Risk in Hospitalized Patients with Severe COVID-19: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

A systematic search of leading databases and registries by Chinese collaborators compared the efficacy of IVIG to routine care for hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Experimental mRNA Vaccine Plus Keytruda Delays Melanoma Recurrence

A new study shows that a personalized messenger RNA (mRNA) cancer vaccine plus the checkpoint inhibitor Keytruda (pembrolizumab) reduced the risk of recurrence or death in people with high-risk advanced melanoma.