Healthcare Disrupted: Transitioning Primary Care, Diagnostics and Chronic Disease Management to the Retail Healthcare Sector

Retail health centers are increasingly offering convenient care at lower prices, but debate surrounds their entry into the primary care arena.
2022 Proposed OPPS/ASC and PFS Payment Rules: The Impact on Pharmacy

The proposed 2022 outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS)/ambulatory surgery center (ASC) and physician fee schedule (PFS) rule sets impact all pharmacy practices.
Expansion of Primary Care in a Post-COVID-19 World

Expansion of sites of care may soon provide more options for patients and caregivers.
Provider, Supply Chain and Payer Negotiations

In today’s fast-paced healthcare industry, naiveté about payers’ requirements coupled with their supply chain stipulations can lead to reimbursement shock!
Preparing for Possible Drug Pricing Changes

The COVID-19 pandemic that has pushed the U.S. healthcare system to its limits and crippled the economy has brought stark attention to the need for new legislation to lower medication prices.
Enhancing Doctor-Patient Communication with Technology

Unfortunately, while the medical profession has made great strides in debuting better practice management systems, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and emerging care models that pay for quality of care rather than volume of care, this is not so for communications strategies.
What’s New in Antiviral/Antibacterial Disinfectants?

Spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers are developing new formulas that will last longer and provide greater protection with some new products already on the market.
Cleanliness Guidelines for Healthcare Settings

To ensure patient safety, facilities must require strict cleaning standards are met by properly trained staff.
COVID-19 Business Recovery

Life during the COVID-19 pandemic is surreal even after a year. Healthcare organizations are being pressured to do more with less while at the same time contribute revenue to whittle away at staggering losses.
Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment in Healthcare Settings

It’s not enough for healthcare facilities to have PPE on hand; it must be consistently and properly used.