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Enhancing Doctor-Patient Communication with Technology

Unfortunately, while the medical profession has made great strides in debuting better practice management systems, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and emerging care models that pay for quality of care rather than volume of care, this is not so for communications strategies.

COVID-19 Business Recovery

Life during the COVID-19 pandemic is surreal even after a year. Healthcare organizations are being pressured to do more with less while at the same time contribute revenue to whittle away at staggering losses.

Healthcare Delivery Post-Pandemic

2020 Fall Healthcare's Changing Landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a wave of changes in how healthcare is delivered, but what are the long-term benefits and can they be sustained?

Tips for Recruiting Healthcare Talent

Doctor holding "we're hiring" sign

While job growth is great news for the healthcare industry, it poses a critical problem since there is a major shortage of trained professionals. These key strategies can help recruit talent and fill jobs.