Winter 2022 - Critical Care

FDA Approves Avacopan to Treat Rare Autoimmune Disease

Chemo- Centryx Inc.’s Avacopan is sold under the brand name Tavneos to treat antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitides.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Chemo- Centryx Inc.’s Avacopan, sold under the brand name Tavneos, to treat antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitides — a group of conditions characterized by destruction and inflammation of small blood vessels and affecting different organs, particularly the kidney. Avacopan works by blocking the activity of a protein called C5a receptor that is responsible for causing numerous inflammatory diseases.

The company received mixed reviews from an expert panel to the FDA in May, with the committee’s vote split 9-9 on whether the efficacy data supported the drug’s approval.


ChemoCentryx Gets U.S. FDA Nod for Drug to Treat Rare Autoimmune Disease. Reuters, Oct. 8, 2021. Accessed at

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