Cell-Based and Recombinant Vaccines More Effective in 2017-18 Flu Season
- By BSTQ Staff
New data shows cell-based and recombinant vaccines were more effective in the 2017-18 influenza (flu) season, according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD. “The data aren’t final yet, but I’m comfortable saying that I think it’s going to be about 20 percent improved efficacy for the cell-based vaccine relative to the egg-based vaccines,” said Dr. Gottlieb. “As we consider greater investment in alternative vaccine development processes, it’s important to note, however, that there are also challenges with these newer cell-based approaches. To help address these challenges, the FDA is working to help develop more effective cell lines that can be better scaled through continuous manufacturing. We’re also looking at how we develop a more robust recombinant vaccine manufacturing process to increase yield while reducing cost.”
Keet, E. FDA Says Cell-Based Flu Vaccine May Be 20% More Effective Than Egg-Based Vaccine. Contagion Live, March 28, 2018. Accessed atwww.contagionlive.com/ news/fda-says-cell-based-flu-vaccine-may-be-20-more-effective-than-egg-based-vaccine.