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Why Advertise in BioSupply Trends Quarterly?

  • Target buyers employed by hospitals, healthcare facilities and pharmacies across the country.
  • Build brand recognition by getting your name in front of the buyers of your products.
  • Promote your products and services to your customers — the pharmaceutical decision-makers.
  • Keep your message fresh in the eyes of potential customers by showcasing your ads regularly in the publication they rely upon to be accurate, informative and helpful for their business.
  • Associate your company with cutting-edge trends, news and information.
  • Make a strong and credible connection to the pharmaceuticals industry.
  • Receive FREE exposure in BioSupply Trends Quarterly‘s online edition in an easy-to-read, click-through format!

BioSupply Trends Quarterly Reaches Your Market

BioSupply Trends Quarterly (BSTQ) is published by FFF Enterprises, the nation’s leading distributor of critical-care plasma products, antihemophilic factors and preventive vaccines. BSTQ is the definitive source for industry trends, news and information for the biopharmaceuticals marketplace.

With timely and critical information, each themed issue of BioSupply Trends Quarterly (BSTQ) covers topics ranging from product breakthroughs, industry insights and innovations, up-to-the-minute news on the latest clinical trials, accessibility, and service and safety concerns. Also included in each issue are in-depth profiles, informative columns, research updates, product news and valuable immune globulin and influenza vaccine resource guides.

Circulation: 40,000+ Subscribers

BioSupply Trends Quarterly Magazine
has national distribution to:

  • General practice physicians
  • Hospital and clinic chiefs of staff and buyers
  • Pharmacy managers and buyers
  • Specialist physicians
  • Other healthcare professionals


Our 40,000-plus magazines mailed to these subscribers are shared with multiple colleagues with buying power – broadening the exposure of each issue to more than 100,000 healthcare professionals!

Each Magazine Reaches:

BioSupply Trends Quarterly National Distribution Chart
BioSupply Trends Quarterly National Subscriber Demographics

Subscriber Demographics

Your advertising in BioSupply Trends Quarterly will reach more than 40,000 subscribers every three months. This audience has purchasing influence. They are empowered to initiate, evaluate or recommend the purchase of products and services, and they buy the products and services they read about in BioSupply Trends Quarterly. Our influential audience includes:


  • More than 16,000 specialist physicians, including neurologists, allergists, immunologists, hematologists, oncologists and others.

  • More than 12,000 hospitals and clinics, and their chiefs of staff and buyers involved in large-scale purchasing decisions.

  • More than 6,000 pharmacies and pharmacy buyers seeking information on the trends, leading indicators and products impacting their industry.

  • More than 6,000 general practice physicians who are positioned to build ongoing relationships with suppliers of the vaccines, plasma products and biopharmaceuticals that are essential to the success of their practices.