Fall 2019 - Innovation

Campaign Launched to Remind Families Teens Need Second Meningitis Booster Shot

In response to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data that shows more than half of teens have not received the second recommended dose of the meningococcal meningitis vaccine, the National Meningitis Association has launched “16Vaccine.” The new educational campaign encourages more teens to get vaccinated with the booster dose to prevent meningitis. The campaign includes a library of social media posts and graphics on the16vaccine.org website to help people spread the word about getting teens a second dose of the MenACWY vaccine at age 16. While some parents are aware the first dose of the vaccine is needed at 11 years to 12 years of age, they don’t know CDC recommends a second dose at age 16.


Stahl S. National Meningitis Association Launches ‘16 Vaccine’ Campaign to RemindFamiliesThatTeensNeed SecondBooster Shot.CBSPhilly,June 3, 2019. Accessed at philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2019/06/03/nationalmeningitis-association-launches-16-vaccine-campaign-to-remindfamilies-that-teens-need-second-booster-shot.

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