ADMA Biologics Receives U.S. Patent for Treatment and Prevention of Pneumococcal Infections
- By BSTQ Staff
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a patent to ADMA Biologics for methods of treatment and prevention of S. pneumonia infection. Specifically, the patent encompasses the method of preparing immune globulin (IG) via harvesting plasma from S. pneumonia-vaccinated healthy adult human donors and pooling that harvested plasma as the source for manufacturing a hyperimmune anti-pneumococcal IG containing elevated opsonic antibodies to a plurality of S. pneumonia serotypes. The patent also encompasses the prepared anti-pneumococcal IG, the method of treating S. pneumonia infection and the method of providing immunotherapy using the hyperimmune anti-pneumococcal IG.
The patent, which extends to March 2037, will enable ADMA to protect its proprietary rights while attracting collaborators interested in the development, marketing and commercialization of the needed therapeutic for treating and preventing infection of immune-compromised, immunodeficient and elderly patients who are poorly responsive to available S. pneumonia vaccines.
“This will be the first patent to issue in ADMA’s immune globulin program tailored specifically to anti-pneumococcal hyperimmune globulin compositions and treatment modalities,” said Adam Grossman, president and CEO of ADMA. “As stated in the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, it is estimated that about one million U.S. adults get pneumococcal pneumonia each year, as many as 400,000 hospitalizations from pneumococcal pneumonia occur annually in the U.S., and about 5 percent to 7 percent of those who are hospitalized from it will die despite the widespread use of multiple vaccines for disease prevention.”
ADMA Biologics Granted U.S. Patent for Treatment and Prevention of Pneumococcal Infections. ADMA Biologics press release, Apr. 17, 2019. Accessed at 92146017aac5a12c3bd353.