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Monday, Aug 20, 2018
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Immune System Response Discovery in Newborns Could Lead to Earlier Vaccine Administration

3D Concept of a virus in bloodstream

In this Issue

•  IVIG/Albumin Supply Index
•  Open Market Pricing
•  New Products from FFF
•  Current Medicare
•  Resources
•  Subscribe to IG Living and BioSupply Trends Quarterly

Researchers at the TCD School of Medicine and the National Children's Research Centre in Ireland have discovered a distinct immune response in newborns that could lead to both earlier vaccine administration and reduced need for multiple booster shots. [ read more ]

Study Pinpoints Rare Gene Mutation That Causes Primary Immunodeficiencies

Researchers have pinpointed rare mutations in the receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 1 (RIPK1) gene that cause primary immunodeficiencies. The RIPK1 gene is essential in mediating cellular functions that stimulate immune cells responsible for fighting infections and mitigating the body's reaction to inflammation. [ read more ]

Zika Virus Blood Screening Guidelines Revised by FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revised its recommendations for testing blood donations for the Zika virus, allowing for pooled testing of donations using a screening test it has licensed.
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Industry News

blue molecules

From Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association

In March, the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association unveiled its new global initiative titled "How Is Your Day" - Making the Difference with Plasma Proteins, a campaign focusing on differentiating these unique therapies from traditional pharmaceuticals and building awareness on the value they provide for people living with rare, life-threatening, chronic and genetic diseases. [ read more ]

From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning about a shortage of Shingrix, the newest shingles vaccine recommended for individuals 50 years and older, due to greater-than-expected demand.  [ read more ]

From Genentech

Genentech's baloxavir marboxil, an experimental, single-dose flu drug, has been given priority review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, so it could be approved by the end of 2018 ahead of the next influenza season. Baloxavir marboxil is taken by mouth and behaves in a different way than other antivirals by targeting a protein that is critical for the repication of the influenza virus. It can also tackle various flu varieties such as H7N9 and H5N1. [ read more ]

IVIG & Albumin Supply Index

IVIG and Albumin Days On Hand
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Back-to-School Checklist -
Are Immunizations on It?

It's that time of year again—summer break is over, and kids are back in school. Parents around the country are making sure their children have the things they need: new clothes, backpacks, and school supplies. But are vaccinations on that back-to-school checklist? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics have recommended immunization schedules that should be an essential part of every parent's back-to-school checklist. Children of all ages need vaccinations to protect them from serious, and often fatal, diseases. Last year's flu season was especially severe, with 176 flu-related pediatric deaths; a record high for a single flu season. Close to 80% of these pediatric deaths were children who had not received an influenza vaccination. So, before the new school year is in full swing, it's important for parents to make sure their children are equipped with all the things they need, from cool new kicks, to their childhood immunizations.

For more information about available PEDIATRIC VACCINES, login to

These products can be ordered from FFF Enterprise's BioSupply Online Ordering System or by calling
Wow! Customer Care at (800) 843-7477.

Current Medicare IVIG / SCIG Rates

Rates per gram are effective July 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018.

Calculate your current medicare IVIG/SCIG Rates
Product J Codes ASP + 6%
(before sequester)
ASP + 4.3%*
(after sequester)
Carimune NF J1566 $82.81 $81.48
Flebogamma J1572 $72.15 $71.00
Gammagard S/D J1566 $82.81 $81.48
Gammaplex J1557 $111.54 $109.75
Octagam J1568 $66.32 $65.25
Privigen J1459 $79.34 $78.07
CUVITRU J1555 $135.01 $132.84
Hizentra J1559 $98.50 $96.92
HyQvia J1575 $145.38 $143.05
Gammagard Liquid J1569 $101.11 $99.49
Gammaked J1561 $82.42 $81.09
Gamunex-C J1561 $82.42 $81.09

*Reflects 2% sequestration reduction applied to 80% Medicare payment portion as required under Budget Control Act of 2011.

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FFF customers may order the following complementary resources to help you with your practice:

Seasonal Flu Poster flu myths and facts brochure
immune globulin reference charts
•  IG Immune Globulin (Human)
•  Hyperimmune Globulins
•  Anti-Inhibitor, Factor VIIa & IX
•  Factor VIII & von Willebrand Factor
•  Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

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IG Living is the only magazine for the immune globulin (IG) community for patients who suffer from chronic illness and their caregivers.

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