Biosupply Trends Marketplace News
Monday, August 23, 2017
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Study Shows Microneedle Patch Influenza Vaccine is Effective
and Painless

bandaid on a patient's arm

In this Issue

•  IVIG/Albumin Supply Index
•  Open Market Pricing
•  New Products from FFF
•  Current Medicare
•  Resources
•  Subscribe to IG Living and BioSupply Trends Quarterly

A new study shows that microneedle patches provide an alternative to conventional needle-and-syringe immunization, potentially offering improved immunogenicity, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, acceptability and safety. [ read more ]

Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Is a Success

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research and the University of Melbourne in Australia tested a new universal flu vaccine that produced good immunity against several different strains of influenza viruses.

Coagadex Prevents or Reduces Bleeding in Children with Hereditary Factor X Deficiency

A Phase III study, known as TENO2, conducted in children 12 years and younger with a diagnosis of moderate or severe congenital factor X deficiency and either a history of severe bleeding or an F10 gene mutation causing a documented severe bleeding type, found that Coagadex was effective in preventing bleeding episodes and was well-tolerated and safe. [ read more ]

Industry News

blue molecules

From ADMA Biologics

ADMA Biologics has acquired Biotest Pharmaceuticals’ Therapy Business Unit, and now owns the marketing rights to Nabi-HB (hepatitis B immune globulin, human) and Bivigam (immune globulin intravenous, human). [ read more ]

From CSL Seqirus

CSL Seqirus has successfully produced a cell-based influenza vaccine using a candidate vaccine virus that has been isolated and grown in cells, rather than in eggs.  [ read more ]

From CSL Behring

CSL Behring has received the National Organization of Rare Disorders’ 2017 Industry Award for IDELVION, its long-acting fusion protein for patients with hemophilia B. [ read more ]

IVIG & Albumin Supply Index

IVIG and Albumin Supply Index from May 2017 - August 2017
Log in to BioSupply for IVIG and Albumin Product Pricing

What's New at FFF


ROCURONIUM BROMIDE (injection) is a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent indicated as an adjunct to general anesthesia to facilitate both rapid sequence and routine tracheal intubation, and to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation. It is supplied in 50 mg/5 mL and 100 mg/10 mL multiple-dose vials in packages of 10.

For more information about ROCURONIUM BROMIDE,
login to

These products can be ordered from FFF Enterprise's BioSupply Online Ordering System or by calling
Wow! Customer Care at (800) 843-7477.

Current Medicare IVIG / SCIG Rates

Rates per gram are effective July 1, 2017, through Sept. 30, 2017.

Product J Codes ASP + 6%
(before sequester)
ASP + 4.3%*
(after sequester)
Carimune NF J1566 $65.88 $64.83
Flebogamma J1572 $55.86 $54.96
Gammagard S/D J1566 $65.88 $64.83
Gammaplex J1557 $93.38 $91.88
Octagam J1568 $68.25 $67.16
Privigen J1459 $77.21 $75.97
CUVITRU ** J3490/J3590/J7799 - -
Hizentra J1559 $98.29 $96.71
HyQvia J1575 $130.36 $128.27
Gammagard Liquid J1569 $80.39 $79.10
Gammaked J1561 $76.82 $75.59
Gamunex-C J1561 $76.82 $75.59

*Reflects 2% sequestration reduction applied to 80% Medicare payment portion as required under Budget Control Act of 2011.

Log in to BioSupply for Immune Globulin Products


FFF customers may order the following complementary resources to help you with your practice:

Seasonal Flu Poster flu myths and facts brochure
immune globulin reference charts
•  IG Immune Globulin (Human)
•  Hyperimmune Globulins
•  Anti-Inhibitor, Factor VIIa & IX
•  Factor VIII & von Willebrand Factor
•  Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

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IG Living is the only magazine for the immune globulin (IG) community for patients who suffer from chronic illness and their caregivers.

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