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Monday, Dec 19, 2016
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No Link Between Flu or Flu Vaccine and Autism, Study Finds

vaccinations and autism

In this Issue

•  IVIG/Albumin Supply Index
•  Open Market Pricing
•  New Products from FFF
•  Current Medicare
•  Resources
•  Subscribe to IG Living and BioSupply Trends Quarterly

While previous studies looking at possible links between influenza (flu) during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have produced mixed results, a new study shows that babies of pregnant women who get the flu or who are vaccinated against the flu do not have an increased risk for ASD. [ read more ]

Scientists Develop Vaccine to Block Opioid Drugs’ Effects

With the rising epidemic of opioid drug overdoses, a new vaccine that blocks the pain-numbing effects of the drugs oxycodone and hydrocodone has shown success in animal models.[ read more ]

Infusion of BPX-501 T Cells Renders Haplo-HSCT a First-Line Option for Children with PI

Results from a Phase I/II study indicate that haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (haplo-HSCT), after depletion of α/β T cells and B cells followed by adoptive infusion of donor BPX-501 cells, is an effective alternative for children with primary immunodeficiency disease (PI) in need of an urgent allograft or lacking a suitable human leukocyte antigen-matched donor. [ read more ]

Industry News

blue molecules

From Alvogen

Alvogen has released the first generic version of Roche’s influenza (flu) medication Tamiflu
(oseltamivir phosphate) in the U.S. [ read more ]

From CSL Behring

Results from a Phase III clinical development program evaluating Idelvion (coagulation factor IX [recombinant], albumin fusion protein) found that adult patients achieving sustained factor IX activity levels above 5 percent or 10 percent have approximately 80 percent lower risk of bleeding events over one year. [ read more ]

From Soligenix

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted orphan drug designation to dusquetide (SGX942) for treatment of macrophage activation syndrome, a life-threatening complication of rheumatic disease. [ read more ]

IVIG & Albumin Supply Index

IVIG and Albumin Supply Index from September 2016 - December 2016
Log in to BioSupply for IVIG and Albumin Product Pricing

What's New at FFF

Rapivab (CSL Seqirus)

RAPIVAB is an influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated influenza in patients 18 years and older who have been symptomatic for no more than two days. It is available for intravenous use, and is supplied in a carton of three (3) 200mg/20mL single-use vials, as a clear, colorless solution.

For more information about Rapivab, login to
*Call for eligibility through your GPO affiliation.

These products can be ordered from FFF Enterprise's BioSupply Online Ordering System or by calling
Wow! Customer Care at (800) 843-7477.

Current Medicare IVIG / SCIG Rates

Rates per gram are effective October 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016.

Product J Codes ASP + 6%
(before sequester)
ASP + 4.3%*
(after sequester)
Bivigam J1556 $79.04 $77.77
Carimune NF J1566 $66.15 $65.09
Flebogamma J1572 $73.61 $72.43
Gammagard S/D J1566 $66.15 $65.09
Gammaplex J1557 $74.06 $72.88
Octagam J1568 $71.96 $70.81
Privigen J1459 $75.80 $74.58
Hizentra J1559 $98.29 $96.71
HyQvia J1575 $127.44 $125.40
Gammagard Liquid J1569 $79.99 $78.71
Gammaked J1561 $77.16 $75.93
Gamunex-C J1561 $77.16 $75.93

*Reflects 2% sequestration reduction applied to 80% Medicare payment portion as required under Budget Control Act of 2011.

Log in to BioSupply for Immune Globulin Products


FFF customers may order the following complementary resources to help you with your practice:

Seasonal Flu Poster flu myths and facts brochure
immune globulin reference charts
•  IG Immune Globulin (Human)
•  Hyperimmune Globulins
•  Anti-Inhibitor, Factor VIIa & IX
•  Factor VIII & von Willebrand Factor
•  Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

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IG Living is the only magazine for the immune globulin (IG) community for patients who suffer from chronic illness and their caregivers.

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