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Wednesday 27, 2015
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Study Shows No Link Between Autism and Measles Vaccine

Child receiving a vaccine

In this Issue

•  IVIG/Albumin Supply Index
•  Open Market Pricing
•  New Products from FFF
•  Current Medicare IVIG Rates
•  Resources
•  Subscribe to IG Living and BioSupply Trends Quarterly
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A recent study using commercial health plan claims data on 95,000 children and their older siblings found "no harmful association between the MMR [measles, mumps, rubella] vaccine receipt and ASD [autism spectrum disorder] even among children already at high risk for ASD." [ read more ]

Shingles Vaccine Developed That Is 97 Percent Effective

GlaxoSmithKline has developed a new shingles vaccine that is 97 percent effective in individuals ages 50 years to 70 years, the main group affected by the virus. In the study reported on in the New England Journal of Medicine, only six out of 7,698 patients given the new vaccine became infected with shingles over a three-year period compared with more than 200 people in a similar-sized control group who were not given the vaccine. [ read more ]

New Gene Therapy Could Be Safe, Effective for Hemophilia B Patients

A new kind of gene therapy tested in animals could be safe and effective for human patients with hemophilia B, according to a multi-year, ongoing study. With gene therapy, doctors can give hemophilia patients a one-time dose of new clotting genes instead of a lifetime of multiple injections of recombinant factor IX that, until very recently, had to be given several times a week. [ read more ]

Industry News

blue molecules

Plasma Tech Biopharmaceuticals

Plasma Tech Biopharmaceuticals has developed a new and innovative method to extract plasma proteins from pooled human plasma samples in order to alleviate the potential shortage of available plasma-based therapies. [ read more ]


GlaxoSmithKline and Italian partners Fondazione Telethon and Ospedale San Raffaele have submitted an application to the European Medicines Agency to market an investigational gene therapy for the treatment of children with adenosine deaminase severe combined immunodeficiency disease (ADA-SCID) for whom no suitable human stem cell donor is available.
[ read more ]

IVIG & Albumin Supply Index

IVIG and Albumin Supply Index from December - April 2015
Log in to BioSupply for IVIG and Albumin Product Pricing

New Products From FFF

Stratis Needle-Free Injection System 0.5 mL (PharmaJet)

Needle-free injection system that delivers vaccines either intramuscularly or subcutaneously by means of a narrow, precise fluid stream syringe that delivers the medicine or vaccine through the skin. *Only approved for use with AFLURIA 5 ML 10 DS VIAL.

Novoeight (Novo Nordisk)

Antihemophilic factor (recombinant) indicated for use in adults and children with hemophilia A for 1) control and prevention of bleeding, 2) perioperative management and 3) routine prophylaxis to prevent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes

Sivextro Tedizolid Phosphate 200 mg tablet and IV vial (Cubist)

Antibacterial drug for the treatment of adults with skin infections and to reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria

Tice BCG 50 mg SDV (Merck)

Intravesical vaccine for the treatment and prophylaxis of carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder, and prophylaxis of stage Ta and/or T1 papillary tumor of the urinary bladder

Gardasil 9 0.5 ml PFS (Merck)

Human papillomavirus 9-valent vaccine approved for females ages 9 years through 26 years

FFF Enterprises offers a wide array of plasma products, vaccines and critical-care biopharmaceuticals, to view our complete list of products visit our website – Product Catalog. These products can be ordered by calling Wow! Customer Care at (800) 843-7477.

Current Medicare IVIG Rates

Rates per gram are effective April 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015.

Product J Codes ASP + 6%
(before sequester)
ASP + 4.3%*
(after sequester)
Bivigam J1556 72.70 71.53
Carimune NF J1556 57.90 56.97
Flebogamma J1556 71.09 69.95
Gammagard Liquid J1556 78.41 77.16
Gammagard S/D J1556 57.90 56.97
Gammaked J1556 79.81 78.53
Gammaplex J1556 72.76 71.59
Gamunex-C J1556 79.81 78.53
Octagam J1556 81.11 79.81
Privigen J1556 74.90 73.70

*Reflects 2% sequestration reduction applied to 80% Medicare payment portion as required under Budget Control Act of 2011.


FFF customers may order the following complementary resources to help you with your practice:

Seasonal Flu Poster flu myths and facts brochure
immune globulin reference charts
•  IG Immune Globulin (Human)
•  Hyperimmune Globulins
•  Anti-Inhibitor, Factor VIIa & IX
•  Factor VIII & von Willebrand Factor
•  Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

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